Thanks to this blog, I will be able to keep you informed of the latest news and developments regarding Desert Fitness Group. I'll also have a chance to share the many interesting e-mails and beautiful images that are sent to us by many of our happy clients.
The e-mail below is from a client who purchased the E-mail Coaching Program, and has shared with us the positive impact the program has had in her life. Enjoy!
- Leslie

Well, we are home from the most amazing trip ever!!! First of all my exercise plan never really happened....but that's ok because its replacement was equally as good - I think!! Had I known just what this trip entailed, I may not have gone, BUT I'm so very glad I did and that I had started my program with you!!!
I'm sending some pictures of our adventures (EVERDAY)....if you ever want to hike to the top of the world, I have just the place for you!! Most of our trip was spent between 10,000 and 13,000 ft. We climed up and dowm mountain trails built by the INCAS many, many years ago. They were steep, narrow and rocky!!! My legs, butt and heart have never had such a workout!! It was not just one day but everyday for 10 days!!! The amazing thing was I WAS ABLE TO DO IT and not hurt!! I totally amazed myself and everyone with me!! Of course I was exhausted when we came home and slept the better part of 2 days, then devloped some nasty stomach thing....not pretty....but finally am beginning to feel stronger and hope to try that crazy tread mill thing you've got me doing as soon as this headache is gone.
I've gone down one full clothing size, and this one is getting loose, so it won't be long before I can say 2 sizes!!!! Am I a happy camper? YES!!!! I truly have never felt better....THANK YOU!!!!!
I think after May we will stop our weekly phone calls as summer is bringing more trips and I will be away a good bit....but, not to worry, I think I have enough workouts to keep me out of trouble (hopefully) and I can't keep up with the calls I miss (hope you can)!
Hoping by Friday I can at least tell you how your new plan is doing....enjoy the pictures!
- Donna

1 comment:
I visited the desert in February for some R&R from my job in Vermont. I found a "gym" on the internet and conversed by email with Leslie. When I reached Palm Desert I went to visit Desert Fitness. Best decision I ever made! I worked with Leslie for a month and then have been working with her from Vermont by email and phone once a week. Her enthusiasm, professionalism, knowledge and motivation have helped me begin to regain the physical conditioning I had lost over the last several years. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Leslie. I will be back next February ready to pick-up and go.
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